
What are the Causes Of Fire And How To Reduce It

It is a well-known truth that most of the causes of fires are due to human failure people following established processes incorrectly, failing to recognize safe work practices, acting carelessly, or being incompetent.
A fire investigator looks for the cause of every fire. A fire can start from either an action or inaction. Using a matchbox to ignite a piece of paper is unsafe to conduct. Leaving a pot of grease on a hot burner alone is an omission that increases the risk of a major fire.

The bulk of fires that rescue services respond to are started in non-residential structures, and many of these are documented as industrial accidents. Given the number of workers in the workplace and the various elements that can increase the danger of a fire, it is crucial to take the necessary precautions to lower these risks.

  1. Common Causes of Fire
  2. Major Causes of Fire
  3. Causes of fire at home
  4. Causes of fire in a business environment
  5. Classification of fire causes according to NFPA

Most common causes of fire

The main causes of fire have been attributed to human factors, including workplace carelessness and lack of concentration. The following are the most common causes of fire:

  1. Cigarette ends, smoke, matches, etc.
  2. Trees growing on electrical lines
  3. Misuse or defects in electrical equipment
  4. Burning or malfunctioning generating apparatus like cooking blazes
  5. Static electric current
  6. Deliberate ignition and arson
  7. A car fire.

Major Cause of Fire

Following is the major cause of the fire:

  1. Electrical fire is a major factor in both industrial and non-industrial (residential) workplace accidents.
  2. Overloading of cables is one of the leading causes of electrical fires.
  3. Conductor short circuits.
  4. Current leakage to the earth (e.g. due to failure of cable insulation).
  5. Insecure wiring connections.
  6. Electrical failures cause arcs and sparks.
  7. Exposed wires.

Causes of fire at home

According to the NFPA reported fire in 2015-2019 caused by a fire at home:

  1. More than one-quarter (26%) of reported fires in 2015-2019 occurred in homes. Even worse, three-quarters (75%) of civilian fire deaths and almost three-quarters (72%) of all reported injuries were caused by home fires.
  2. During these five years, US fire departments responded to an estimated average of 346,800 home structure fires per year. These fires caused an annual average of 2,620 civilian deaths; 11,070 civilian fire injuries; and $7.3 billion in direct property damage.
  3. Most home fires and fire casualties result from five causes: cooking, heating, electrical distribution, and lighting equipment, intentional fire setting, and smoking materials.
  4. Over the five years of 2015–2019 as a whole, cooking was the leading cause of home fires and home fire injuries, while smoking was the leading cause of home fire deaths.
causes of fire
Fire causes NFPA report

What is one of the largest causes of fire in the business environment?

The following are the largest causes of fire in the business or industries environment:

  1. Faulty oil, gas, electrical heating, boiler, and drying equipment.
  2. Hot products or waste products.
  3. Friction generation.
  4. Spontaneous chemical ignition.
  5. Burning charcoal.
  6. Chimney or exhaust pipe.
  7. Overheating of electrical appliances/ machines, and equipment.
  8. Chemical fire.
  9. Dust explosions.
  10. Gas & vapor explosions.
  11. Conduction of heat
  12. Radiation.

Fire Cause Classifications

According to NFPA 921, the conditions of the fire cause classifications are typically categorized into four groups once the facts are known. 

  1. 1 Accidental fire cause.
  2. 2 A fire’s natural origin.
  3. 3 A fire that was started intentionally.
  4. 4 An unidentified fire’s origin.

 1. Accidental Fire Cause

All fires for which the verified facts/cause do not entail an intentional human act to start a fire or the spread of fire into an area where it should not go.

2. Natural Fire Cause

Unmanaged fire brought on by lightning, earthquakes, wind, and other natural forces.
Because of its strength, lightning frequently starts fires. Lightning strikes can fire trees in forests and cause great destruction to buildings, respectively.

Any device plugged into an electrical system, including a television, computer, phone, or another device could be destroyed by this surge. Additionally, combustibles that came into touch with steel or metal buildings and were followed by lightning may cause a fire.

3. Incendiary fire causes

Any fire that is started intentionally in a situation where the individual understands it shouldn’t spread (uncontrolled).
A fire purposely lit without any criminal activity is an incendiary fire. Arson is not always involved in an incendiary fire.
4. Arson fire causes

Arson is the deliberate and malicious initiation of a fire or explosion. Motives for arson include financial revenge, concealing another crime, destroying corporate records, sabotage, murder, extortion, intimidation, the amateur thrill seeker or attention seeker, sexual perversion, and vandalism.

Undetermined Fire Cause

Undetermined fire is any fire for which the cause cannot be established. There might yet be an investigation into the fire. Additionally, this can be due to extensive damage brought on by a fire or firefighting efforts.


We determine all causes of fire in the domestic and industrial zone and minimize them on a daily base. It is important that we take all safety measures in domestic and industrial places. Work in a safe environment. Most fires accrue due to human carelessness, incompetence, and lack of knowledge about the safety of fire.

For more detail about fire and safety visit Fr Safety solutions.

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