
Fire Extinguisher as a Portable Fire Appliance


As a responsible home, commercial and industrial owner it is important to have a fire extinguisher on hand in case of an emergency.

A fire extinguisher can be a lifesaver in the event of a small fire, and it can also help to prevent a small fire from becoming a big one.

There are many different types of fire extinguishers on the market, so it is important to choose the right one for your needs. There are extinguishers designed for use on wood fires, paper fires, petrol fires, and electric fires. Some extinguishers are also cross-over types that can be used on multiple types of fires.

What Is a Fire Extinguisher?

A fire extinguisher is a portable fire appliance that can be used to extinguish small fires.

It is typically a cylindrical device containing a pressurized agent that is discharged to extinguish a fire. The most common agents used are water, foam, CO2, and dry powder.

Fire Extinguisher

Fire extinguishers are classified according to the type of fire. Class A extinguishers are for use on solid combustibles such as wood and paper, while class B extinguishers are for use on flammable liquids such as petrol and oil. Class C extinguishers are for use on electrical fires, and class D extinguishers are for use on metals.

The Different Types of Fire Extinguishers

Types of Fire Extinguishers
Types of Fire Extinguishers

There are different types of fire extinguishers, each designed for a specific type of fire.

Due to weight

Handhold type

Hand hold type is In the capacity of 0.5 kg to 14 kg (01 to 30 lbs).

Trolley Mounted

Trolley-type of fire extinguisher is in a capacity of +23 kg (+50lbs).

Trolley Mounted fire extinguisher
Trolley Mounted

In line with the propellant mechanism

1 Stored Pressure Type

A fire extinguisher with a single container holding both the extinguishing agent and the excellent gas. It typically comes with a pressure gauge or indicator.

Fire Extinguishers
Fire Extinguishers

2 Cartridge Type Fire Extinguishers

A fire extinguisher stores the extinguishing agent storage container and drives gas in different containers. The drive gas is released mechanically by pressurizing the storage container.

Cartridge Type Fire Extinguishers
Cartridge Type Fire Extinguishers

Due To Extinguishing Mediums

  • Water type.
  • Foam type.
  • Powder type.
  • CO2 Gas type.
  • Halogenated Gas type.
  • Wet Chemicals type

Water type

Extinguishing medium Water type extinguisher is used for Class A fire. In it, Nitrogen gas is used as a driving gas. The water type of fire extinguisher’s maximum effective range is 30 to 40 feet and its discharge time is 60 seconds (2.5-gallon capacity) and its installation temperature is +04 C to +60 C. Its extinguishing principle is to reduce the temperature by cooling burning materials.

Foam type

Extinguishing medium Foam +water  type extinguisher is used for Class B & A fire. In it, Nitrogen gas is used as a driving gas. Its maximum effective range is 20 to 25 feet and its discharge time is 50 seconds (2.5-gallon capacity). Its installation temperature is +04 C to +60 C and its extinguishing principle is Smothering & Cooling burning materials.

Foam Type Fire Extinguishers

Powder type

Extinguishing medium dry chemical powder type extinguisher is used for Class A, B, and C fire. In it, Nitrogen gas is used as a driving gas. Its maximum effective range is 05 to 20 feet. Its discharge time is 10 to 25 seconds (06 lbs to 30 lbs capacity) and its installation temperature is +20 C to +60 C. Powder-type fire extinguisher active in the principle of Break Down Chain Reactions & Smothering burning materials.

CO2 Gas type

An extinguishing medium liquefied carbon dioxide type extinguisher is used for Class E fire. Its maximum effective range is 03 to 08 feet and its discharge time is 10 to 30 seconds for 20 pounds capacity and its installation temperature is -18 C to +60 C. Its extinguishing principle is Smothering & Cooling burning material.

Halogenated Gas type

Extinguishing medium Compressed Halotron Gas (C2HCL2F3) type extinguisher is used for Class C and E fire. Its maximum effective range is 06 to 35 feet and its discharge time is 09 to 23 seconds (1.4 lbs to 150 lbs capacity). Its installation temperature is -30 C to +60 C. It’s extinguishing in the principle Breakdown of Chain Reaction & Smothering burning material.

Note: Halon has a very high potential to destroy the ozone layer and contribute to global warming.

Wet Chemicals type

Extinguishing medium water and wet chemical(Potassium acetate, Potassium citrate Potassium carbonate) type extinguisher is used for Class F  Kitchen fire. In it, Nitrogen gas is used as a driving gas. Its maximum effective range is 08 to 12 feet, discharge time is 75 to 85 seconds (06 lbs to 30 lbs capacity), and installation temperature is +20 C to +60 C. Its extinguishing principle is smothering burning materials and cooking oils.

What type of fire extinguisher is for the home?

The industry standard for household use is ABC extinguishers. A few different types of ABC-rated extinguishers are available. Mono ammonium phosphate is the most widely used and cost-effective extinguishing agent.

How to identify a Fire Extinguisher

The following techniques are used to identify the desired fire extinguisher:

  1. By Color coding.
  2. By Nozzle type.
  3. By Labeling.
  4.  By Pictography.

How Does a Fire Extinguisher Work?

A fire extinguisher is a portable fire appliance that is used to extinguish or control small fires.

Most fire extinguishers work by discharging a stream of water or other fire-retardant chemicals onto the fire. The extinguishing agent works to cool the fire and remove the heat, which deprives the fire of the fuel it needs to continue burning.

Some fire extinguishers also work by smothering the fire, which cuts off the oxygen supply and suffocates the flames.

How to Choose the Right Fire Extinguisher

When choosing a fire extinguisher, you need to consider the type of fire it will be used on, the size of the extinguisher, and the environment it will be used. Detailed written in the article What Are Fire Extinguishing Agents And The Classification of Fire?

Type A

Extinguishers are for fires involving paper and wood.

Type B

Extinguishers are for fires involving flammable liquids.

Type C

Extinguishers are for fires involving electrical equipment.

The size of the fire extinguisher is important because you need to be able to put out the fire with the amount of extinguishing agent that is available.

The environment the extinguisher will be used is also important. If it will be used in a small space, you need to choose a compact fire extinguisher. If it will be used outdoors, you need to choose an extinguisher that is resistant to weathering.

How to Use a Fire Extinguisher

It is important to read the instructions carefully before using a fire extinguisher. If you are not sure how to use it and do not try to fight the fire yourself – call the fire brigade instead

To use a fire extinguisher, you first need to identify the type of fire you’re dealing with. Class A fires involve paper or wood, Class B fires involve liquids, and Class C fires involve electrical equipment. When you know the class of fire, you can select the appropriate extinguisher.

Making That “Right” Decision to use a Portable Fire Extinguisher”

Pass Method

P             Pull the safety Pin


A             Aim at the seat of Fire


S              Squeeze the Operating lever


S              Sweep side to side


Standard Working and Testing Pressure for Fire Extinguisher

For all types of Fire Extinguishers (except Co2 type)

                       Working/filling Pressure:                      150 psi

                       Body Testing Pressure:                       350 psi

For CO2 Gas type Fire Extinguisher:

                       Working/filling Pressure:                      744 psi

                       Body Testing Pressure:                       3350 psi

  1. All Fire Extinguishers have Pressure Gauges to allow visual capacity checks except CO2 Fire Extinguishers.
  2. CO2 Fire Extinguishers are checked by Weight.

Installation Standards for Fire Extinguishers

Following installation standards should be followed for Fire Extinguishers:

  1. All buildings shall have one multipurpose (A, B, C) dry chemical powder fire extinguisher of 06 Kg for every 2000 square feet of floor area.

2. The maximum travel distance to a fire extinguisher is 75 feet, while it is only 30 feet in kitchen areas.

Recommended Mounting Heights for Fire Extinguishers

According to NFPA 10“standards for portable fire extinguishers

  1. Fire extinguishers weighing (total weight) up to 40 pounds (18.14 kg) should be mounted so the top of the extinguisher is not more than 05 feet above the floor.
  2. Fire extinguishers weighing (total weight) more than 40 pounds should be mounted so the top of the extinguisher is not more than 03 feet above the floor.
  3. The bottom of the Fire extinguisher should be at least 04 inches above the floor.

Fire Extinguisher Inspection, Care & Maintenance


  • According to NFPA 10” standards for portable fire extinguishers”, “an inspection is a quick check to verify that a fire extinguisher is available and ready for immediate use”.


  • According to NFPA 10 standards for portable fire extinguishers, maintenance includes an internal inspection as well as any repair that may be required.

The following points are important for the inspection & maintenance of fire extinguishers:

  1. Extinguishers are at easily accessible heights.
  2. Extinguishers are free from blocking by storage or equipment.
  3. The location of extinguishers is near the normal path of travel.
  4. Extinguishers are free from the potential of physical damage.
  5. Extinguishers are readily visible.
  6. Extinguishers are placed at the appropriate location.
  7. Operating instructions face outward.
  8. Operating instructions are legible.
  9. The type and size of the mounting bracket are good and no problem with de-mount the extinguisher when needed.
  1. The discharge hose is well-tightened at the valve outlet and has no visible Cuts on its outer surface.
  2. The nozzle has not been removed from its place and is free of damage.

Advantages of portable fire appliances

  1. Portable.
  2. Use friendly for the community.
  3. Available for various classes for fire.
  4. Economical.
  5. Effective for small-scale fire.


A fire extinguisher is a portable fire appliance that is used to extinguish or control small fires, and often in an emergency situation. It is not intended to be used on large fires.

When using a fire extinguisher, you should aim at the base of the fire when using a sweeping motion. You should also stand back from the fire, and keep your body between the fire and the exit in case you need to make a quick escape.

If you see a fire, make sure you know how to use a fire extinguisher before you try to put it out so never use water to put out a grease or electrical fire this can make the situation worse. If you’re not sure how to use a fire extinguisher, call the fire department for help.

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